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(816) 842-6868

Treatment of Hyperhidrosis with Traditional Chinese Medicine


In the summer or after exercise, people sweat, which is normal. But some people sweat a lot even while they are eating, moving slightly, or just at rest. This kind of sweating is abnormal and may need medical attention. The medical term for this condition is hyperhidrosis, which involves excessive sweating, usually in circumstances that don’t make sense.

I once had a client who complained of chest tightness and also suffered from over-sweating. The patient also suffered from fatigue, and his pulse was sunk at the right Cun position. The diagnosis for him was a deficiency of lung Qi. So building up his lung Qi by acupuncture and Chinese herbs helped to control his over-sweating.

A relative of mine once was very sensitive to wind and suffered from over-sweating frequently. The reason for him was the disharmony of Ying and Wei. In that case, Guizhi Tang helped to relieve his symptoms. Profusely sweating can be a cause for concern. If you easily sweat and in profuse amounts, this may be a sign of overlying medical issues. If you suffer from these kinds of symptoms, traditional Chinese medicine can likely help you.

Dr. Cathay Fung’s practise is located in Kansas City. If you are interested in acupuncture or traditional Chinese medicine and would like to book an appointment, we can be reached at 816-842-6868!

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