The history of herbal skin care can be traced back thousands of years. According to…

Variations of Guizhi Formula Syndrome
I recently wrote about Guizhi Formula Syndrome in general but, there are many different variations of the Guizhi formula. It is important to take notice of the differences so that the patient’s condition can be treated correctly. For example, here are five different kinds of Guizhi formula syndrome.
- The patient has symptoms of Guizhi formula syndrome like chills, headache, shoulder and neck pain, sweat, and floating pulse. At the same time, they have severe neck and back pain. If this is the case, the patient should use Guizhi formula with Gegen (Puerariae Radix).
- The patient has symptoms of Guizhi formula syndrome like chills, shoulder and neck pain, sweating, and pulse floating. At the same time, the patient has asthma. Then use Guizhi formula and Xingren (Semen Armeniacae Amarum) and Houpu (Bark of magnolia).
- Taiyang syndrome patients need to be sweating, but some patients sweat too much, and cannot stop sweating. If this is the case, then use Guizhi formula and Fuzi (Aconitum carmichaelii).
- The patient with Taiyang syndrome needs to be sweating. But some patients use laxatives, causing chest tightness and pulse fast. If the patient suffers these symptoms, use Guizhi formula but take off Baishao (Paeonia lactiflora).
- For those with excessive sweating due to Taiyang syndrome, body pain, slow and sunken pulse: increase the amount of Baishao (Paeonia lactiflora) and Shengjiang (Ginger) in Guizhi formula and add Renshen (Ginseng).
(Note: Traditional Chinese medicine should be used under the guidance of a licensed professionals specialized in Chinese medicine).