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Taiyang Meridian Syndrome
Zhang Zhongjing in “The Treatise on Febrile Diseases” comprehended various symptoms in the progress of the febrile diseases into groups, and categorized them into syndromes associated with the six meridians, namely Taiyang, Yangming, Shaoyang, Taiyin, Shaoyin and Jueyin meridians.
Those with fever, aversion to cold, headache, muscle sore or ache, and floating pulse are Taiyang syndrome, which can be further divided into two sub-types: the meridian syndrome and organ syndrome. The Taiyang meridian syndrome is the initial stage of the disease when the fight between the body’s defense and the pathogens is still at the exterior surface and muscles, where as the Taiyang organ syndrome is its deepened development of the disease into the bladder. More often, if the COVID-19 patients have the symptoms of fever, aversion to cold, headache, muscle sore or ache they have the Taiyang meridian syndrome.
The picture shows the Taiyang meridian.